Recent Updates
I now sell Taylor Trumpets!!!
I'm happy to inform you that I'm the new (and only) agent in Italy for Taylor Trumpets. Call me if you want to try them here in Italy!
My new forum!!!
Here's the link to my new trumpet forum:
It's been a LOOOONG time, I had MANY changes in the past months (years?), I recorded very few things because I spent a lot more time playing with my groups. The big news is that I now sell Taylor Trumpets in Italy, so if you want to buy or just test them call me!
Moreover I changed my main email: antonio DOT rapacciuolo AT gmail DOT com
I updated my list of instruments (some new Taylors here...)
I uploaded many new videos (if you want a full list look for "anrapa" on youtube!)
Another NEW method from today, the so hated/loved Schlossberg's Daily Drills. In some cases I chose not to record the entire exercises but just was better suited to show ho to play those exercises.
A REVOLUTION!!! (Almost... ehehehe) New Methods, New Server, New Graphics and VIDEO!!!
It's really a long time I don't update: a problem with the back kept me away from the trumpet for a while and then it took quite some time to get back in shape!!!
Nonetheless I kept studying some nice pieces and now I have a LOT of new stuff.

First of all I moved the site to a new hosting server (a lot more space to fit more Mp3,
photos and VIDEO!!! Yeah, video!)
I've been asked by many friends to record a couple of demo video to show how to play effortlessy high notes, I don't know if I made it but surely it will become an interesting section!!!

I also completely changed the skin of the site, now is a bit easier to read and a LOT easier to navigate (and to update....)

Then I have started FOUR new sections!!!
Arban Modern Etudes, Clarke, Shoemaker legato etudes after Concone and Smith's Top Tones
Some of them are easy (Concone's...), the others are quite challenging!!! Check the
Clarke's version of Carnival of Venice!!!

I've recorded many new
Bach Cello Suite's pieces (last time I recorded the entire first suite, now I went on randomly but the total is 12 new pieces)
Carnaval-like you can find Haendel's Il Fabbro Armonioso (The Harmonious Blacksmith) and Per Un Pugno Di Dollari (A Fistfull of Dollars)
Highnotes you'll find a funny version of Carnival of Venice played up the octave (just a bet with a friend... nothing I would play in a concert, belive me!!!). Almost for the same reason there is Kopprasch's N.10 played the in 2 octaves...

Arban? Don't worry, I didn't forget about that!!! The stuff I still need to record is quite hard so I prefer spending some time studying it before recording!! Anyway the is quite a lot of new thing now: from page 32 numbers from 28 to 33, page 41 N.15 and page 43 N.20. Moreover I added a bunch of duets (recorded with my friend
Marco Gipponi): N. 11, 16, 28, 52, 55, 60, 61, 62, 64, 68
Now back to more serious stuff: I re-recorded the first Char. Study from arban: Pag 285 N.1 than now is played with trumpet AND cornet, and I have a new one, pag 297 N.13 (the slurred triplets one)

You can check them in the
Arban Section

Photos are back and a lot of stuff has been rewritten (new equipment for recording, new trumpets/mouthpieces).


Kopprasch recorded again in a much better way!!!
I found the previuos recording not good enough so I spent a couple of days recording it again from scratch (60 recordings!!!)
Here's the
BACH!!! Duets, duets, duets! Nick Drozdoff and over 100 New exercises!!!
I am playing A LOT and I find very little time to update the website... I'm sorry!
Anyway I recorded so much stuff I think you will forgive me:

First of all my all new project: I want to record MY version of Bach's Cello Suites for trumpet, it's a very old dream I wanted to fulfill since I was 10. Now I developed better skills and I feel I can give it a try. For now the First Suite is online in his own new section:
Bach Cello Suite I hope you like it!

Then: at last I found a friend who lives close enough to help me recording the duets from Arban's Book (
MARCO GIPPONI), we managed to put together about 40 out of 68, more will come, here's the DIRECT LINK The Arban is much closer than ever to an end!!!

I recorded new versions of some MANY Arban's exercises:
EVERYONE from the beginning up to page 31 (almost 80!!!)
Moreover, about slurred triplets, from Pag 80 to 83 exercises from N.10 to 24
Then, Pag 131 N.11 and 12 (Slurred broken 10th)
Then, From Pag 167 to 170 N. 54, 57 to 60, 64 and 66 (Triple Tonguing)
A VERY difficult one: Characteristic Study N.2 Pag 286

And last but not least: the world famous trumpet player and clinician
Nick Drozdoff has decided to help me out with some of the VERY DIFFICULT Arban solos I am struggling to record. For now his efforts are devoted to the Characteristic Studies, in the near future I hope he will record some of the Triple Tonguing exercises that I HATE so much!!!
New Method!!! The WURM!
I don't know much about this method but a friend of mine asked me to give it a try...
I like it very much, it's not impossible and it's fun to play!
Hope you like it, here is the link to the
Almost 1 month... BUT IT'S BEEN WORTH!!! (more than 120 new files!)
It's been a long time since last update but I went on holday to the seaside! Meanwhile I even found the time finish quite a LOT of stuff of Arban!!!

Before you go on reading the new exercises just one thing: I set up a Paypal account. During these months you've been downloading a LOT and it's costing me quite something in bandwidth, so if you are willing to send me something to support my expenses... Here is my PayPal account: (the same as my email!!!)

Here are the exercises of Arban I recorded this time:

Slurring and Legato section is now COMPLETE: new ones are on Pag. 55/56 N. 68/69

The TURN section is COMPLETE TOO!!! The exercises are too many to be mentioned!!!


Also the
More Advanced Studies section is COMPLETE!!! Of course they are so many that's useless to name them all, just look for what you need!

Almost 100 new files!!! SORRY FOR THE DELAY!!!
I've been quite a bit busy in the past month (my job, concerts, my cat and some trips...) but I kept recording! I just couldn't update...

First of all: NEW SITE STRUCTURE!!! Now you don't have to navigate a LOT of pages to download my recordings! You will find ALL of them just under their pages! Just drop me a line if you like this way.

Here's the Arban UPDATE:

From pag. 43 ex. N. 23 to 30 (Legato)
From pag. 52 ex. N. 55 to 68 (Legato)
From pag. 97 ex. N. 17 to 88 (The Turn)
Pag. 133 N. 17 (More Adv. Studies)
From pag. 171 ex. N. 67, 68, 70, 74, 75, 76


A NEW RECORDING OF Pag. 289 N. 5 (A Very Difficult One!!!)

and of "Valse Brillante" played with the trumpet! (under
Carnaval-Like section)

Art Of Phrasing is OVER!!!!! 150 pieces!!!
It's been a BIG and DIFFICULT job, but at the end I recorded ALL the 150 pieces of Arban's "The Art of Phrasing"!
Some of them are quite challenging and I had to study a LOT...
What are the files? Ah... from N.101 to 150!!!

Check them out!

I'm currently giving online trumpet lessons! (Audio or Video chat!)

Cheap fares and a lot of time available!

My mail is
Skype: anrapaskype
50 NEW Art Of Phrasing songs online!
I'm sorry for not having updated in the last 20 days!
Unfortunately I was a bit ill and couldn't play and I also spent 4 days in Tuscany to play with a big band when I was not ill...
Anyway, I had already recorded a lot of pieces in the previous weeks, so I just had to upload them...
In this period I'm trying to finish che complete Arban which is indeed a tough task!

Here are 50 new pieces (from 51 to 100!) from Art Of Phrasing section! Now you have them up to number 100!!!

Have fun!
Another 30 songs from Arban
I have recorded almost ALL of the Art Of Phrasing but it's quite long to add every piece the effects and updating the website, for now 30 new pieces of The Art Of Phrasing in Arban's book!
Now from 1 to 50 are online!

Here the direct link!
Tonguing, MULTIPLE tonguing! Another Section is over
It took quite a while to finish it but it's been worth the wait: I have finished all the Double Tonguing, Slurred and DT and Fanfare Tonguing sections in Arban's book.
It's a lot of stuff and together with a couple of new Triple Tonguing files it's more than 80 (EIGHTY) new files!
Please take the time to listen to it because they are the exercises that EVERY accomplished trumpet player in the world want's you to do when they are asked "how to develop a good double and triple staccato?"

Here's the direct link

Biggest Update EVER!!! Complete Gatti Vol.1 is ONLINE!!!
It's been a long time since the last update because I did a trip to visit my parents and didn't have much time to play. Anyway I recorded something day by day waiting for some spare time to put it online.
It's been worth the wait!!!
I completed another method!!!!

More that 200 exercises and 12 duets (that I also recorded as single voices, in case you wanted to play together with me!!!)

Check it out!

(it's on a different server so, in case you had it bookmarked, update the link!)
American National Anthem (HIGH NOTES!!!)
After more than 1 year has came back online! I was so happy that I started listening to a lot of files!
One of my favourite was Gesse McGuire's performance of Star Spangled Banner (check in the site under TOP, Tower of Power).
I was so happy listening to it that I decided to record it myself! I hope you like it! (there is also a new arpeggio online)

Check it out!!!
J. Haydn's concerto is complete!
Yesterday I recorded the first Tempo, today the last two!

Just check the Baroque Page!
A new SECTION! Baroque Music and some VERY difficult piece from Arban!
My twin, as usual, criticized my project and told me that I had to record some "beautiful" pieces...

So I started the Baroque Music page, you'll find the most famous concertos played without the orchestra... (as usual!)

Today I recorded J. Haydn's first tempo and M. Haydn's second tempo

Here is the link!

Moreover I recorded two new VERY difficul Arban pieces (the 12 Celebrated Fantasies)

Check pieces N.1 and N.9

Here is the link:
New Section!!! 12 Celebrated Fantasies
I've been asked by two new trumpet friends (Jesse Hodge and Andrew Bezik) to record some (A LOT OF!!!) stuff from Arban's, Clarke and Wurm

So I started with a difficult one! I begun a new section of Arban:

12 Celebrated Fantasies

There are a total of 4 pieces: (3 of them were in Carnaval section)

Caprice and Variations (the new one)
Variations on a Tyrolean Song
Fantasie Brillante
Carnival of Venice

Check them out!!!
HUGE Gatti Update!!! 50 New Exercises!!!
I am getting more and more interested in this book, day after day!

Since I didn't want to make many small updates I decided to wait to have a LOT of stuff before updating again!

Here's todays big list:

Pag 23 to 24 N. 1 to 6

Pag 26 to 32 N. 1 to 30

Pag 33 to 34 N. 1 to 6

Pag 35 to 36 N. 1 to 8

You can find them in Gatti's page!!!

Have fun!
Big Gatti update!
I have recorded again Ex. N.1 pag.48 after a friend of mine gave me some nice advice! Listen to it!.

Moreover I have recorded several others:

Pag. 58 to 60 N.19 to 24 (The end of the book)
Pag. 33 to 34 N. 1 to 6

Have fun, they are nice cantable pieces!
Another Arban's SECTION IS OVER!
I am very proud to announce another (HARD) section is over: Chromatic Studies!

You can find it here in its section.

It is still possible I will update this section in the future as I improve my playing skills! Stay tuned!!!
A NEW METHOD!!! Gatti!
I've been asked by a friend of mine to record this old Italian method.

It's quite easy compared to Arban's and other but, anyway it's very funny to play!
Melodic stuff, many duets... Nice!

I've started with exercises on:

Pag. 48 to 57 N.1 to 17

A lot of stuff!!!
The Art Of Phrasing!!!
Today has been a smooth day, so I was devoted to record smooth stuff...

The Art of Phrasing is an incredible source for easy but nevertheless funny pieces to play!

Here are today's additions:

Pages from 192 to 245, N. 4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,92,94,95,96,97,98
Tyrolean Song, a new Section and A LOT of Arban's
Today I recorded one of my favourite piece of music: Variation on a Tyrolean Song in the Arban Book.
I have put in the Carnaval-Like section because of the virtuosistic nature of the music.

You can find it browsing this section

Today I have also started a completely New Section of Arban's Book: Scales (Pag 59-75)
I have recorded exercises from 1 to 16!!!

Moreover there is the usual big update of Arban's exercises:

Legato and Slurred: Pag 42-44 N.18 to 22
Chromatic: Pag 82-85 N.19,23,24,25,26,27,28
The Turn: Pag 96-97 N.13,14,15,16
Tonguing: Pag 157-160 N.10 to 19 AND Pag 178-180 N.91 to 102

That's all!!!
A COMPLETE Section of Arban is ONLINE!!! And Blues Brothers!
Up to now I have recorded more than 400 exercises, not all of them are online yet due to lack of time, anyway I thought I HAD to complete the first exercises of the Arban.

So I started from the beginning of the book (VEEEERY boring exercises...) and recorded everything up to page 36!!!

It's 87 exercises!!!

So today's update about Arban is... the missing exercises up to page 36! (check in Staccato section!)

Another update of Me and My Twin Section is Peter Gunn made world wide famous by The Blues Brothers Movie.
As usual is very short but effective!

Check it out in two versions: with or without trumpet!

In the next days I will ad a LOT of Arban stuff!
Some new Arban's, easy and not so easy...
Some of the sections are finished, some others are nearly...
I think I will end recording the Arban in less than a month (if I will be improved enough to play the hard stuff!!!)

Here is the update!

Staccato: Pag 17 N.32 and Pag 18 N.33,34,35

Legato: Pag 42 N.16 and Pag 51 N.52,53,54

Chromatic: Pag 82 N. 20,21,22

Tonguing: Pag 156 N.9
HUGE update! Read CAREFULLY!!!
It's been a hard week, I'm completely rewriting ALL the site, I had some problems tracking file's downloads and I had to set specific pages for each file... sorry about that but, you know... I did this site also to get and idea of how much people like my music...

I've added more that 100 EXERCISES!!! Mostly Arban's
It's impossibile to keep track of what I have added today so I will start again from today, sorry again!
Anyway, there is a NEW SECTION: CADENZAS (in Arban), I've recorded it all...

I'm doing a complete graphical redesign of the site, it will be thanks to my wife!!! In a few days it will be up!!!

David has sent another exercise today and my usual Arban update
Arban stuff, Check the new Characteristic Studies... They are awesome in my opinion!

David New Exercise: Pag 192 N.5

Staccato: Pag 19 N. 38,39 and Pag 23,24 N.6,7 and Pag 35 N.35,36

Legato: Pag 40 N.9,10 and Pag 49 N.40,42

Chromatic: Pag 78 N.7,8

The Turn: Pag 94 N.7

The Art of Phrasing Pag 238 N.144

Characteristic Studies: Pag 293,294 N.9,10
Finally some HELP!!! Welcome again, David!
The first person to contact me since I started this website has been David Bolton, he told me that as soon as he would have bought a microphone he would have recorded something for me.
A promise is a promise, so... From now on every piece played by someone else than me will have the player's name after the song's name...


He will record something from the "Art Of Phrasing" in the Arban book, the first one he sent me is Pag 191 N.3

Moreover there is my, now, usual big update of Arban:

Staccato: Pag 18 N. 36,37 and Pag 23 N.4,5 and Pag 34 N.33,34

Legato: Pag 40 N.7,8 and Pag 49 N. 38,39

Chromatic: Pag 77,78 N.5,6

The Turn: Pag 94 N.5,6

More Advanced Studies: Pag 131 N.8,9

Tonguing: Pag 155 N.3,4 and Pag 175 N.79,80

The Art Of Phrasing: Pag 1,2,3 (David Bolton!!!)
Arban getting better and better!
I'm feeling everyday better with my performances: my sound is better, my range is consolidating, my endurance is fantastic...

Thank you Mr. Arban!!!

Here is the now usual update of it!

Staccato: N.1,2,3 pag. 23 and 16,17 pag 33,34

Legato: N.5,6 pag. 39

Chromatic: N.3,4 pag 76,77

Tonguing: N.1,2 pag.155 and 77,78 pag. 175
Basic Daily Routine in Mp3 and a lot of Arban
I've been asked by a friend of mine to record the easy daily routine (he started playing a few months ago) and I've been happy to do it!
Now you have a new page for it!

Here is the link!

Moreover I thought it was better for you (and me, of course!) to record a couple of exercises for each section of the Arban book everyday. It's better even for me to study different kind of technical stuff everyday!!!

Today I really recorded A LOT OF STUFF!

Staccato: 13,14,15 Pag 26 and 26,27 Pag 31
Slurred: 3,4 Pag 39 and 34,36 Pag 48
Chromatic Scales (NEW SECTION!!!) 1,2 Pag 76
It's been a HARD task!

Now I feel much better!
There are still some things in I want to record again (related to recording quality), but at least now is over...

The new files are: N. 16,22,23,27,28,30,31,34,37,44

Moreover, I changed some photos in my Album
Getting closer to finish Kopprasch....
Only one hour of time today to record...

I took some simple Kopprasch exercises I left behing because they were a little boring...

Kopprasch: N.1,7,11,15,20,26
Some other Arban's
Few exercises of staccato and legato style:

Staccato: 24,25,28,29,30
Legato: 32,33
I had to stop playing due to my job...

Now I'm BACK!
I'm doing some changes to the structure of the site to make it easier to locate the exercises...

Some simple stuff from Arban (I've been asked to record some basic exercises and I happy to do it! It's my site's purpose!!!)

Here is the list:

The Turn, N. 1,4,8
More Advanced Studies, N.16,17,20,23,24,25,26,28,29
Staccato, N. 18,19,20,21,22,23,47,48,49,50
Legato and Slurred N. 1,2,13,14,15,31,35,37,41,68
Gonna Fly Now!
Today my twin came to visit me and brought 2 trombones...
He said he could play higher than I do...........
I'm a trumpet player! He cannot beat a trumpet player in something! The trumpet always wins!!!

Anyway we recorded a short version of Gonna Fly Now with and without trombone.
You will tell me which is the best!

To be honest he played a really impressive high G lick in that piece! But to be even more honest I played a HIGH A in James Bond...

I told you a trumpet player cannot lose!


Here is the link
New Section: Sheet Music!!!
I've started today a new section because I feel showing Mp3 files sometimes is not enough: hearing someone who can play something is nice but knowing how he get's to that point is another thing!

In the sheet music page you'll find some short pdf files which explain the simple exercises I found to be very productive if played correctly...
I personally don't like Colin-like stuff as I found them good only for people able to play them, not for people who want's to learn them: writing very long sequence of major arpeggios doesn't help learning arpeggio, one should learn how to slur shorter leaps...
By the time you have acquired this skill maybe you are good enough to transpose a single line into several keys starting from a short guide line.

This is exactly what I wrote in my Daily Routine.
Today no music (I woke up at noon...) but some site improvements and a new link
Yesterday politics kept me awake up to 2.30 am....
I woke up at noon, I had lunch and ran to work, no trumpet today!

Anyway, I received one email from Bert Lochs who made me think about restructurating the site: it seems that reaching the Mp3 files is not so easy (I agree with him) so now every page has a direct link to the download section.

The most difficult piece of music for me till now... Napoli from Carnaval!!!
It's been a long time since I last studied this piece...
My twin set a bet, he thought I couldn't do it... Now he must SHUT T.. F... UP!!!!


Here's the link
Today a VERY DIFFICULT Cornet Solo, Valse Brillante and a new helpful link
It's a long time I wanted to record it, there are 2 main difficulty in this piece: high notes and the need to play it VERY softly...

I hope I managed!!!

Here is the Link

Then a new link I'm ashamed not to have posted before: Trumpet Lessons by Jason Pellet, a friend of mine.
Two new Kopprasch...
It's getting a personal affair... ME AND KOPPRASCH!!!

Today 2 new and hard ones... N.53-55

Tomorrow could be the last day!
Today was Kopprasch day!


I've done almost ALL the difficult ones... so now I feel muuuuuch better!

Here's the new ones: N. 51-52-54-60

Such a relief...
Just one Kopprasch, but a difficult one!
I had a very little time today to play, anyway I managed to record one of the most difficult in Kopprasch: N.58

A new section: STAMP!!! And ALMOST ALL Kopprasch's
I've been asked by a friend of mine (Ivan Padovani) to record Stamp book. It's a tough method but it's what you need to build flexibility without ruining your lips as you could do with Colin... (my 2 cents)
Check exercises N. 4-5

Moreover some A LOT of Kopprasch: N 41-43-45-46-47-48-49-50-56-57-59
I was sparing them for a day by day update... Maybe it's better to share all of them immediately, maybe in this way I won't be updating everyday but you have everything I record immediately...

I'm looking for someone to help me record the remaining ones!!!
Send me your recordings!
James Bond with Bass Trombone (My Twin) and some duets
Yesterday my twin, who is living 200 Km from my place, asked me to help him record a piece: James Bond for trombone quartet (he is a bass bone player!). We started with the piece, I wasn't very happy with the result, I felt a trumpet could have added a nicer touch...
At the end of that 1 hour multitrack recording the piece had 8 voices, some of them completely invented...
You'll find it in "Me and My Twin" section

Moreover I recorded four more Arban's Duets, simple but effective (16 to 19)
Fantasia Brillante and one Characteristic Study, for a friend of mine!
I've been asked by a friend in Trumpet Herald Forum to record Arban's Characteristic Study N.8 since he is going to perform it for an Audition.
I have never played it before but I felt I could have given a try... The result is not flawless but... recording a piece sight reading it is not the best way to sound good...

Next another of my favourite pieces: Fantasia Brillate (under Carnaval-Like section). My wife asked me to record it... I couldn't say NO to her....

Many Kopprasch today!
Today I was very willing to finish recording the Kopprasch book... alas I still have 15 left!

Here's today's updated: N. 29-35-38-39
Finally some screaming high notes! And 4 Kopprasch! NEWS FROM ITALY
I've been asked to record something really high and I so I did. It's a "warm up"... Diminished 7th up to Double High Bb!

Some new Kopprasch N. 18-19-21-24

And some really nice news from Italy (my country)!
A boy strolling around in Trumpet Herald asked me to tell about my site in an Italian trumpet forum.
So I did and I got some nice feedback: the moderator asked me to set up a section in his forum about my site and my way of learning trumpet!

I'm very proud of it and please give a look at their site (if you understand italian...)
A new section in Arban: Intervals, two duets and three Kopprasch, and a new link about an Italian Trumpet Forum
Today I started a new part in Arban's book: Intervals, I'm not very good at it but I'm improving day by day...

Two new Duets (N. 14-15)
Three new Kopprasch (N. 14-16-17)

Yesterday I've been contacted by an Italian trumpet player asking me to put my site news in his trumpet forum, it's in Italian but, who knows!
Some Kopprash and some Arban!
First of all another mp3 in the "Art of Phrasing" section: N. 148 (Blue Bells of Scotland), if you can buy Lindberg's version of this piece (he is a PHENOMENAL trombone player!!!)

Then 2 new Duets from Arban: 10-11, easy ones but always "educational"!!!

Then to Kopprasch: N. 5, 9 and 10.

Now I'm going to record something else!

Have fun!
Some High Notes, some new photos about me and my wife, some Arban Duets and a Characteristic Study
Maybe I didn't tell you but I am a High Note addict... I've added a page in which you'll find some stupid-funny files!

I couldn't update yesterday due to a technical problem (I had to work...)
I have posted some new photos about Me (Tony) and my wife (Elisa), now you can see our faces!

About music: Arban's Duets (from 2 to 7 and number 9) and another Characteristic Study (N.3).
New Kopprasch's simple exercises and a hard one in Arban's
Kopprasch numbers 2 and 4 (easy ones...) and one very hard by Arban's Art of Phrasing... Yenkee Doodle!!!
I completely rewrote the site and added Poltroncina Photos and Some mp3
I made a mess with pages and directory last time, now it's fixed. Added some Poltroncina shots and about Mp3...
N. 1 and 2 of Charlier Book
N. 3, 6 and 8 of Kopprasch
N. 1 and 2 of Arban Duets
Many new info about me and the site and a lot of Mp3!!!
I have solved some problems with the mp3 files... Since I use a Mac computer my files didn't have the ".mp3" at the end of the file...
I added some Arban, Kopprasch and some Carnaval-like pieces. In the next updates I will write every new file I will add.
First Post for the New Site!!!
This will be used to update info about the site
A first draft has been put online to understand how a site works